“Sometimes life’s gonna hit you in the head with a brick, don’t lose faith” — Steve Jobs

“Next to the wound, what women make best is the bandage.”

Barbey d’Aurevilley

“There are two kinds of love…in the safe kind you look for someone who’s exactly like you. It’s what most folks settle for. But then there’s the other kind of love. Everyone’s born with a ragged edge, and some folks crave that piece that’s a perfect fit. You’ll search for it forever, if you have to. And if you’re lucky enough to find it, it looks so right, you start to tear at your own seams, thinking, maybe I could look just as perfect. But then, of course, when you try to get close to their other half, you don’t fit anymore. That kind of love…you come out of it a different person than you were when you started.”

Jodi Picoult

“She leaned down and looked at his lifeless face and Leisel kissed her best friend, Rudy Steiner, soft and true on his lips. He tasted dusty and sweet. He tasted like regret in the shadows of trees and in the glow of the anarchist’s suit collection. She kissed him long and soft, and when she pulled herself away, she touched his mouth with her fingers…She did not say goodbye. She was incapable, and after a few more minutes at his side, she was able to tear herself from the ground. It amazes me what humans can do, even when streams are flowing down their faces and they stagger on…”

Markus Zusak (The Book Thief)


“My sister had taught me to look at the world that way, as a place that glitters, as a place where the calls of the crickets and the crows and the wind are everyday occurrences that also happen to be magic.”

Cynthia Kadohata (Kira-Kira)

“Here’s what I know about the realm of possibility— it is always expanding, it is never what you think it is. Everything around us was once deemed impossible. From the airplane overhead to the phones in our pockets to the choir girl putting her arm around the metalhead. As hard as it is for us to see sometimes, we all exist within the realm of possibility. Most of the limits are of our own world’s devising. And yet, every day we each do so many things that were once impossible to us. ”

David Levithan (The Realm of Possibility)

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.”

Terry Pratchett

“Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Loves is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It dose not take offense and is not resentful. Love take no pleasure in others people’s sins, but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes.”

Nicholas Sparks

there´s a war raging in our hearts and it´s the weakest that fall prey.

there´s a war raging in our hearts and it´s the weakest that fall prey.

strength is to lift things up, not to push others down.

strength is to lift things up, not to push others down.



in my mind, i´m out there.

in my mind, i´m out there.

leave if you can.

leave if you can.

hostile and warm blooded.

hostile and warm blooded.

if we were to listen, maybe we would understand.

if we were to listen, maybe we would understand.

and you thought you had it all.

and you thought you had it all.

use you, break you, pretend to love and respect you.

use you, break you, pretend to love and respect you.

tradition will never justify.

tradition will never justify.

I have seen the end. 

I have seen the end.

the sea gulls are long gone.

the sea gulls are long gone.

we thought we knew.

we thought we knew.

fires that will burn for years. unseen.

fires that will burn for years. unseen.

generations. mothers, fathers, sons and daughters.

generations. mothers, fathers, sons and daughters.

we, too, will be forgotten.

we, too, will be forgotten.

so many things we will lose in the fire.

so many things we will lose in the fire.

we are an expiring race.

we are an expiring race.

your rage is infinite.

your rage is infinite.

land of plenty.

land of plenty.

lions, lambs & lions

lions, lambs & lions