At Ashley and Beau’s wedding, amid revelers and cake, photographer Andrea Boettcher captured a particularly poignant moment when she snapped this shot of Ashley’s terminally ill mother attending the ceremony from afar.

Boettcher writes:

Ashley’s mom joined the celebration over Skype. She is very sick and had so wanted to make it to their big day. There she is in the background watching her daughter dance her first dance with her new husband. It was beautiful, and made me thankful for modern technology.

According to Boettcher’s husband, Ashley’s mom passed away a short time later.

A growing body of research links our expanding waistlines to the toxic ingredients in products we use every day, from cosmetics to baby bottles.

An impressive artist known as the real-life invisible man masters the art of camouflage.

MÖBIUS” by award-winning Melbourne-based art and design practice ENESS is a “collaborative stop-motion sculpture” made up of 21 variously sized triangles.

ENESS elaborates:

MÖBIUS is a sculpture that can be configured into many cyclical patterns and behave as though it is eating itself, whilst sinking into the ground. The result is an optical illusion and a time-lapse of people
interacting with the sculpture and moving through Melbourne’s landmark location throughout the day.

Filmed in and around Melbourne’s Federation Square.

On June 16th of this year, Tupac Shakur would have celebrated his 40th birthday. Instead, September 13th will mark the 15th anniversary of his death.

XXL magazine commissioned illustrator Tim O’Brien (previously) to imagine what the gone-2-soon rapper would have looked like were he around 2day.

O’Brien writes:

Getting old is a brutal process for most of us.  Skin sags, gets bumpy.  Hair goes grey or thins and weight is a constant issue for most. I was kind to the late Tupac and imagine he lived a decent life, not eating himself into oblivion and basically keeping his famed look.

Austrian artist Andreas Franke, an avid diver and professional photographer, has put up a photo exhibition at a depth of 93 feet on the Vandenberg shipwreck off Key West.

Underwater Photo Exhibition at Artificial Reef in Florida Keys

I love it when shows I watch make references to Harry Potter


















“When someone is crying, of course, the noble thing to do is to comfort them. But if someone is trying to hide their tears, it may also be noble to pretend you do not notice them.”

Lemony Snicket

Despertó cansado, como todos los días. Se sentía como si un tren le hubiese pasado por encima.
Abrió un ojo y no vio nada. Abrió el otro y vio las vías.